On the disthomism of Doc Angelic of feserismisnotthomism.wordpress infamy, part II
*...a brief comeback from the long hiatus, hopefully to be developed* As Doc Angelic's comments on Dr. Feser's blog indicate, it is the treatment of the 2nd question Doc turns to on his blog by the latter that provoked Doc to attack. Quoting the author of the comment (most probably himself), Doc writes: From an unanswered comment on Edward Feser’s blog: ” In the Modern Biology and Original Sin post on this blog we read that the “…penalty of original sin was a privation, not a positive harm inflicted on human beings but rather the absence of a benefit they never had a right or strict need for in the first place”… “The penalty was the loss of the supernatural gifts they had been given and that their descendants would have been given, and a fall back into their merely natural state, with all its limitations”… “This is the situation Adam, Eve, and their descendants would have been in had God left the human race in its purely natural state ”. However nowhere does St. Thomas ...