
Сообщения за март, 2018

On the disthomism of Doc Angelic of feserismisnotthomism.wordpress infamy, part I

The immediate reason for the coming about of this humble blog is its owner's desire to publicly refute the unjust and ill-informed allegations made by one "Doc Angelic" on the  blog titled "Feserism is not Thomism" . The judgement concerning the need to do this is based on at least two considerations: first, the utility of discussing this topic, both speculative and motivational (it is interesting enough to trick myself into finally acting on my long time desire to start a blog); second, the possibility that Doc Angelic's (at least implicit) claim of representing a notable number of Catholics and would-be Thomists might have some truth to it. Given the tragedy that has befallen our civilisation in terms of circulation of sound philosophy and its capacity to secure and sustain the latter's intelligibility for those subjected to it, it is indeed probable that certain misunderstandings of past wisdom do arise. For what it is worth, I can testify to that on...