An indicatively rash (and therefore disthomist) reading by Doc Angelic of feserismisnotthomism infamy
The disthomist critic of Dr. Feser mentioned above once again demonstrated the uncharitable modus operandi concerning Dr. Feser's positions. In a recent update, he writes: On 18/8/18 in the comments section on his blog article An Open Appeal to the Cardinals of the Church, Dr. Feser made a statement which was quickly deleted. Denying the claim by a reader that his position on the death penalty was inconsistent with his lack of position on Dignitatis Humanae and religious liberty he said that he merely did not have time to deal with the question and referred readers to authors like Pink, Stork and Fr. Harrison. However none of these authors argue that there is a fundamental problem with the position at Vatican II. Therefore his stance has nothing to do with “not having enough time”; his position on the two issues is indeed fundamentally different. Let's try to separate the probable facts from the assertions. The reader mentioned above apparently asserted an incons...